Colorado Gun Collectors Association Member Services

Our next meeting will be March 18, 2025 at the American Legion Post 1; 7:00 PM continuation of "Unusual Items from the Collection of Brent Brown"

April meeting will be April 15, 2025 at the American Legion Post 1; 7:00 PM.
May meeting will be May 20, 2025 at the American Legion Post 1; 7:00 PM.

CGCA Member Bill Pittman

American Flag At Gun Show

It is with great sadness that we announce Bill Pittman passed away.

It is with great sadness that we announce that Bill Pittman has passed. Bill was 87 years old. Bill has been a life member of the club for 31 years. Bill served as secretary-treasurer for the club for 20 years. The family has not advised us of plans for a service as of this time.

Find Out About All Our Exclusive Member Benefits

Gun show monthly meeting


Our monthly meeting is held in the Denver area on the third Tuesday except for the month of December. In December the meeting is the annual Christmas party. Monthly meetings usually consist of a short business meeting and then a special entertainment or educational program relating to arms collecting. These presentations are usually, but not always given by members. Topics range from the firearms of the Revolutionary of Revolutionary War to WWII and Korea. We have light refreshments, a show and tell, and a door prize drawing for the members attending. 


Rated by experts to be the "Best Display Show in the U.S." and the highest quality historical and collectible gun show in the world, our show attracts excellent displays, fine collections, and expert dealers and collectors from all over the country. 

gun show Christmas meeting


The business meeting in December is suspended in favor of a Holiday/Christmas party. Members and guests gather to have a meal and spend the evening with old friends.


Published on a quarterly basis and sent to all members, our newsletter contains notices of meetings, programs, events, significant happenings in the collector's field, gun show announcements and reports, and other timely articles.



Our members can take pride in the reputation and achievements of the organization. The Colorado Gun Collectors Association and many of our individual members have garnered many awards for their excellent and educational exhibits. We encourage all our members to join and maintain NRA membership.


Our membership is our greatest asset. Although based in Colorado, we currently have members from New Hampshire to Hawaii and from border to border. They come from all walks of life and their collector’s interest is as varied as the imagination. Sporting, Military, Antique, and Modern, from 15th-century armor to modern rifles, from Indian artifacts and western art to bayonets. And all are friendly and willing to help another member or budding collector.


Enroll To Be A CGCA Member